Punto educativo - Programa de tutorias - Las Mareas

Tutoring Program

Created to:

• Strengthen student learning
• Overcome the learning lag
• Provide new educational tools
• Offer opportunities for educational development

Access to education is essential to break the poverty cycle, and for this reason our Tutoring Program is a key/priority strategy to achieve the Educational Point’s mission.

Address the root
of the problem

There is a significant number of parents/mothers and fathers in the community who did not have the opportunity to get a high school diploma or even finish sixth grade. Naturally, they did not enjoy the tools to help their children with schoolwork and thus, many children fell behind.

This was the recurrent poverty cycle experienced in Las Mareas as well as in other communities.

Punto educativo - Programa de tutorias - Las Mareas
Punto educativo - Programa de tutorias - Las Mareas

The Educational Point’s tutoring program: past and present

1. We worked with three groups of parents:

  • Sixth grade level
  • Ninth grade level
  • Twelfth grade level

2. Parents Graduation:

First group of parents graduated from high school in six months.

3. Learning at the Education Point and at home:

Currently, the children are mainly the ones who receive tutoring at the center, while parents help them strengthen subject matters at home.

4. Continue the growth cycle:

The collaborative work between parents, students and the Educational Point tutors has been the success formula to improve the academic performance of students who are behind.

Today, our community has young students and professionals with master’s and PhD degrees, a source of inspiration for those who are just starting their school journey.

Punto educativo - Programa de tutorias - Las Mareas

“We want to steer these young people and tell them it is possible. That no matter where you come from, you can do it”.

Jacqueline Vázquez

Las Mareas Community Leader and Director of the Educational Point

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